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Why Weight Loss Isn't My New Year's Resolution

Don't get me wrong - I think eating well and exercising is a great way to kick start the year. But, I don't believe a small waist and perky peach is the only road towards all success and happiness. This year I'm ready to take on new goals and work towards new accomplishments. 2017 has taught so much - although I've made tons of mistakes, I also gained so much knowledge throughout the year. I learned about self-love, I consolidated my beliefs and finally started working towards something I'm really passionate about. This year I hope to share my experiences with all of you and put all my energy towards growth. Here are some of the few things I want to focus on for 2018:


Instead of focusing on what others have that I don’t (including material things, body physique, social status, etc.), I want to acknowledge and appreciate everything that I do have. I want to switch all negative thoughts to positive ones and radiate that positive energy towards everyone around me. By focusing on inner beauty instead of material things and exterior features, I believe the world could achieve great things. I hope to share more of my experiences with you in a way that will inspire and motivate you to live a happier and healthier life. This year, I anticipate on expanding my social network and help more people reach their wellness goals.

Living in the Present Moment

"Living in the moment" is probably one of my greatest struggles. I often let my past define me and then self-sabotage myself into the future because of it. This year, my goal is to forgive my mistakes and learn from them moving forward. I want to set myself realistic goals, without overanalyzing the outcome. In 2018, I want to give myself at least 10 minutes a day to meditate and re-focus to my beliefs and most importantly, my vision. I believe that this will help me embrace life's most significant moments and let go of everything that no longer serves me.


I’ve recently re-introduced yoga to my life and could not be any happier. In only two months’ time, my thoughts have become so much clearer. I’ve done yoga in the past, but never consistently (I’m definitely not a “yogi”).  This time, I’m committing to my practice at least once a week. Yoga has helped me to not only challenge my body physically, but mentally as well. Fighting the thoughts in my head is something I deal with on a regular basis – but when I make time for yoga, I create space in my mind for clarity. Learning to breathe consciously and letting thoughts come and go, without reacting has been so rewarding for me. Moving into this new year, I want to work towards improving my yoga practice and hopefully inspire others to do so as well.

(Shout-out to Kuuma Yoga in Moncton NB, for the amazing space you have created for anyone that wants to practice yoga . 

I def recommend checking them out it you are in the area!)

Challenge Myself

One of my main goals for the new year is to push my body to its full potential - whether it's at the gym or doing outdoor activities or for my yoga practice. Keeping an active lifestyle has become an asset to my daily routine. For me, being active is so much more than working for a nice physique, it shows me that I am strong and healthy. I am very proud of where I am now because of all the hard work I put in. I can’t wait to see where it’ll bring me, both physically and mentally in 2018, as I keep pushing myself to the limits.

Read More Books

Reading was never really something I liked doing growing up, however I've discovered to appreciate books these past few years. A book is probably one of the greatest and easiest tools of knowledge that we have access to. People write about their experiences and put them in a nice decorated hard covered frame for us to take home. Personally, I don’t think that there is anything more rewarding than learning through other people’s experiences. I’ve had many mentors throughout my journey, and a lot of them came from books. Reading more is definitely on top of my priority list.

Wishing you all a new year, filled with hope, dreams, goals, accomplishments and lots of good laughs.

Cheers to 2018!


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